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General Data Protection regulation (GDPR)

Information for customers and contractors regarding the processing of personal data.

Due to the fact, that in connection with our cooperation, some data to be delivered may meet the definition of the “personal data”, Stalprodukt S.A., herewith, provides the following information regarding the processing of the personal data:

In accordance with art. 13 of the General Data Protection Regulation dated 27 April 2016 (EU Official Journal L 119 as of 04.05.2016) I inform that:

  1. Stalprodukt S.A., based at ul. Wygoda 69 in Bochnia, is a controller of personal data,
    contact with the Data Protection Inspector – telephone 14 615 14 84, mobile 668 236 910,
    the personal data will be processed for the purpose of contact establishing, pursuant to Art. 6 par.1, letter. f of the General data
  2. Protection Regulation as of 27 April 2016. in the meaning of processing necessary for the purposes of the legitimate interests pursued by the controller and execution of the concluded contracts,
  3. The recipients of the personal data will, exclusively, be the entities authorized to obtain such personal data pursuant to law provisions and entities involved in the cooperation process, and the data will be stored until the end of our cooperation and, after that time, for the period enabling the parties to pursue their claims under the contract,
  4. The persons, to whom the personal data refer, have the right to demand that the controller should provide them with the access to the personal data, right to data rectification or reduction of the processing scope as well as have the right to lodge a complaint with the supervisory authority, i.e. President of the Personal Data Protection Office,
  5. Providing the personal data is voluntary, however, failing to do so may result in the impossibility to establish contact and implement the contract.
