Management Systems
Management Systems
Stalprodukt holds: ISO 9001 Quality Management System Certificate and ISO 14001 Environmental Management System Certificate, issued by TÜV Cert.
In line with the requirements governing the labelling of building materials with the CE mark, the Factory Production Control Section at the Profiles Segment holds the appropriate certificates for the notified unit. The profiles exported to Germany hold the updated ÜHP Certificate issued by LGA Landesgewerbeanstalt Bayern.
The launched Quality Management and Environmental Management Systems function in Stalprodukt S.A. as the Integrated Quality and Environmental Management System. It meets the ISO 9001:2015 and ISO 14001:2015 standard requirements, which is confirmed by the corresponding ISO 9001 and ISO 14001 certificates.
Stalprodukt pursues The Integrated Management System Policy.
The goal of Stalprodukt S.A. is to generate profit while respecting the principles of: thriftiness, entrepreneurship, profitability, economic calculation, and minimized negative environmental impact as well as meeting the customers’ expectations and ensuring satisfaction from the use of our products.
Considering the internal and external conditions, character and scale of risks and scale of the environmental impact, we fulfil the above objectives through:
- constant optimization of our cooperation with the recipients and suppliers, based on the results of monitoring and analysis of their needs, expectations and satisfaction measured in respects of their cooperation with our Company,
- continued modernization of our processes achieved through the organizational and investment undertakings aimed at cost reduction considering the maintained high quality of our products,
- activities pursued in accordance with the legal and other provisions applicable thereto,
- constant upgrading of the qualifications, knowledge and awareness of the Company’s staff as well as subcontractors,
- continued improvement of the work environment, so that it can be perceived by the Company’s staff as friendly and allowing for the IMS Policy to be optimally pursued,
- development of the internal IT systems determining the appropriate transmission of information,
- analysis of incompatibilities, defining their causes and taking appropriate actions,
- application of technologies compliant with the best available techniques (BAT),
- reduced consumption of raw materials, other materials and energy,
- reduced emissions of environmental pollution,
- minimized generation of waste and its proper handling,
- preventing environmental threats in extraordinary situations,
- maintenance and constant improvement of the Integrated Management System compliant with the ISO 9001 and ISO 14001 standards.
Out IMS Policy and information on our actions undertaken in favor of the natural environment are disseminated among the Company’s employees, people working in favor of the Company or in the Company’s name, our suppliers and recipients, as well as are disclosed to other interested parties.
The Company’s management officers obligate themselves to provide all the resources necessary for the IMS Policy to be effectively pursued and to undertake all the necessary actions guaranteeing the fulfillment of the IMS requirements and the system’s continued improvement.
Stalprodukt S.A. also holds the AB 801 Accreditation Certificate of Testing Laboratory issued by the Polish Centre for Accreditation. The Laboratory obtained this Certificate in June 2007.
The Chemical Analyzes and Environmental Conditions Laboratory, functioning within the Company’s structures, performes tests and research to satisfy its own needs and the needs of external customers.